Locksmith Car Key Services brant
Call: (519) 805-3032
Locksmith services to suit your needs:
- lost car key
- car key duplicate
- locksmith car key
- car key service
When you lose your keys, you can check with your dealership or your nearest locksmith to get a new one. You can ask a taxi or someone else to drive you where the company is. However, our company Auto Locksmith Canada have mobile locksmith that will come to you wherever you may be. When you get a new key, you should make more than one copy to stay on the safe side before losing your key again.
If you contact your dealership for a new key, you will also need to have the Vehicle Identification Number with you. This number is on the driver’s door, on the dashboard or on the window. If you provide such information, it will be used to make new keys. The key has to be cut according to the model and the make, so that it can work with the ignition.
If you come to us for replacing lost car keys in Canada with a new one, you will also have to give us this number. Sometimes, we may need to call the dealership to confirm with the code you have provided and make sure that the car is yours. After getting your new key, you will have to pay a fee and be ready to use your key. To know if our services are cost effective or not, it is good to call the dealership to ask them about their quote before you come to us.
If you have ever found yourself in the situation where you have lost car keys in Canada without a spare key, you already understand the anguish that you will suffer if this happens again. Our company has the best technicians who can make keys for any type of vehicle that you may be having. We can come to your office or roadside or wherever you may be.
Sometimes when it comes to other companies, you may be asked to come with the car into the workshop. This can be inconvenient for you since you will have to get towing services to take the car to their workshop. After this, you may also need to wait for long time to get the key delivered to you. This is not the case with our company, since we will come to you and we will make the key while you wait. The best part is that we do not charge much since our price is always affordable.
When you find out that the car keys have been stolen, you need to contact the police as soon as possible. In this case, our services will be about using the latest technology to give you a spare key but without having to replace the locks. We also have ways to ensure that the stolen key will not be used. However, it is always advisable to have a spare key to avoid being stranded when you cannot access your car.